Feedback: The interpretation limits this to "climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning" etc. But the search string is quite broad (e.g. vulnerab* and climate change). Does this create noise, or is it ok? Investigate further. For example, it can find things that talk about the vulnerability and impacts on a biological community without being about impact reduction/adapatation.
It may be that it works fine, and the broadness is needed for some terms (i.e. if one talks about vulnerability, are they normally within the relevant topics of "climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning"? if so then it is probably best to leave it as it is.
SDG: 13 Target: 3 Action or Topic?: Topic
Feedback: The interpretation limits this to "climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning" etc. But the search string is quite broad (e.g. vulnerab* and climate change). Does this create noise, or is it ok? Investigate further. For example, it can find things that talk about the vulnerability and impacts on a biological community without being about impact reduction/adapatation.
It may be that it works fine, and the broadness is needed for some terms (i.e. if one talks about vulnerability, are they normally within the relevant topics of "climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning"? if so then it is probably best to leave it as it is.
Example result: