SDL-Hercules-390 / hyperion

The SDL Hercules 4.x Hyperion version of the System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator
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RUNTEST.CMD fails on non-English Widown System #612

Closed vbandke closed 8 months ago

vbandke commented 8 months ago

Part of the build process (as initiated by hercules-helper package) includes running RUNTEST.CMD . This fails, unfortunately, on a non-English (in my case: German) Windows system.

Runtest creates a temporary file with a generated file name %calc_mttof_rexx%. The filename created is TMP1.2024140842 (TMP1.yyyyhhmmss) instead of TMP1.whatever.REXX.

The reason: RUNTEST.CMD uses the incorrect delimiters when scanning/parsing the date/time. In a German based Windows system, the date looks like this: 07.01.2024, which is January 7, 2024. (Note that it uses a dot as separator, not a slash!).

The time, OTOH, looks like this: 14:14:32,79 (which, as you'll notice, uses colons between hh, mm and ss, but a decimal comma instead of a decimal point).

Because of this, the generated REXX file fails already on the PARSE statement in line 1

  PARSE ARG '"' formula '"'     ,2518820.rexx
  INTERPRET 'mttof = 'formula   ,2518820.rexx
  SAY FORMAT(mttof,,1)          ,2518820.rexx

With best regards

Volker Bandke

wrljet commented 8 months ago


I will install a German language Windows and take a look at fixing this.


vbandke commented 8 months ago

That would be very welcome.  :)

vbandke commented 8 months ago

I have a temporary fix, no formal testing, not even checked the manual if this is correct: I added the German date/time delimiters to function tempfn: in runtest,cmd, and this seems to work: (at least, the tests are run, and reported as being successful)

for /f "delims=/. tokens=1-3" %%a in ("%date:~4%") do (
    for /f "delims=:., tokens=1-4" %%d in ("%time: =0%") do (
      set "@=TMP%%c%%a%%b%%d%%e%%f%%g%random%%file_ext%"

With best regards


wrljet commented 8 months ago

I'll try that out here.


Fish-Git commented 8 months ago

Fixed by commit ba4e9e62996c384cc035cd511323f4d387bf39d2.

Note: fixes only the specific German language issue described. Other non-English languages that use yet other different field separators will still likely fail. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.