SDRefugeeTutoring / sdrt-custom-functions

Custom Functions for
The Unlicense
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Add date range CSV exporting for RSVPs #47

Closed JasonTheAdams closed 3 years ago

JasonTheAdams commented 3 years ago

Resolves #28


This improves the Tools > Export utility for RSVPs. Instead of exporting the large XML file, it provides a much faster and simpler CSV file that can be used in any spreadsheet program. The name and date of the event RSVP'd for are also included for each line.

It also gives start and end date to limit the range of RSVPs to download. By default the export range is the last 30 days.



JasonTheAdams commented 3 years ago

@mathetos This is ready for review. I privately sent you an example export. Please let me know if this provides all the needed data.

mathetos commented 3 years ago


This looks great and is super fast. Love it!