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ICRC-1 | Watch-only mode for multiple principals #147

Open JhonD-SDSharp opened 3 weeks ago

JhonD-SDSharp commented 3 weeks ago

As a user, I want to be able to easily switch between accounts from Watch Only Mode. so that I can see their information.

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Given that I am on the login screen, When I click the Watch-Only option, Then a field will be displayed where I can enter a principal. (See IMAGE 1)

Given that I am logging in from the Watch-Only option, When I log in using a Principal, Then I will be able to see all the information for that account.

When I log into an account using watch-only option, The principal I have used to log in will be stored in local storage.

Given that Principals are stored in local storage, When I click on the Watch-Only option on the login screen, and expand the drop-down menu, Then will be displayed all the saved Principals, and I can select one of them to log in with that account in watch-only mode. (See IMAGE 2)

Given that I have a list of Principals in the dropdown menu of the watch-only option on the login screen, When I click on the edit option, Then I can add a name to that principal or edit this name, and this information will be saved to local storage. (See IMAGE 3 and 4)

Given that I log into an account using watch-only mode and have a list of Principals in the dropdown menu When I click on the edit option, Then I can add a name to that principal or edit this name, and this information will be saved to local storage. (See IMAGE 5 and 6)

Given that I have added Names to the Principals in the dropdown menu of the watch-only option on the login screen, When I expand to see the list of Principals Then the names I have added to each Principal will be displayed and no names will be displayed in case I have not added one. (See IMAGE 7)

Given that I log into an account using watch-only and have added Names to the Principals in the dropdown menu When I expand to see the list of Principals Then the names I have added to each Principal will be displayed and no names will be displayed in case I have not added one. (See IMAGE 8)

Given that I have a list of principals in the dropdown menu of the watch-only option on the login screen, When I click on the search field Then I can search by name or Principal. (See IMAGE 9)

Given that I log into an account using watch-only and have a list of principals in the dropdown menu When I click on the search field Then I can search by name or Principal. (See IMAGE 10)

Given that I have a list of Principals in the dropdown menu of the watch-only option on the login screen, When I click on the delete option Then I can delete that principal from local storage so that it no longer appears as an option in the Principals list. (See IMAGE 11)

Given that I log into an account using watch-only and have a list of Principals in the dropdown menu When I click on the delete option for any of the principals that is not selected Then I can delete that principal from local storage so that it no longer appears as an option in the Principals list. (See IMAGE 12)

Given that I have selected one of the principals from the list (login screen / watch-ony option) When I click on the input field Then I can edit this principal if I want. (See IMAGE 13)

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