SDShare / Specification

SDShare - Protocol for the syndication and synchronisation of RDF
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Snapshot async #31

Closed gra-moore closed 12 years ago

gra-moore commented 12 years ago

Even with chunking the snapshot the initial requst to get the chunked feed will need to wait until the snapshot data has been built. It would be nicer if this was async.


That the collection feed that contains the link to the snapshot data should include either a timestamp or unique identifier. This will enable each snapshot to have a unique url.

If the snapshot for that link is complete and ready the server will return the chunked snapshot document else a 202. they clien can poll that url until it receives a 200 OK.

larsga commented 12 years ago

This makes sense to me. I think the only thing that actually needs to go into the spec is the bit about continuing to poll when receiving a 202. All the rest is really taken care of by HATEOAS.

larsga commented 12 years ago

We do it, and all we need to do is to say that if you get 202, you keep trying.

We do the same thing for the snapshot data service.

larsga commented 12 years ago
