SDShare / Specification

SDShare - Protocol for the syndication and synchronisation of RDF
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How to market the spec? #40

Closed larsga closed 11 years ago

larsga commented 12 years ago

Post to

Notify the W3C Linked Data Platform working group mailing list.

Email to

Propose a joint talk at Oslo semweb meetup.

A poster for ISWC.

A nice handout sheet, poster-like, as a PDF on the site (also for real handouts where applicable).

larsga commented 12 years ago

Write up some content for the blog, best practices and so on.

Best practices should be on

Divide links into historical and current.

Gra to ping Marc about getting him to talk about it.

gra-moore commented 12 years ago

Write up how sdshare addresses LDP use cases.

Interact with LDP working group.