SDWebImage / SDWebImageSwiftUI

SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
MIT License
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iOS 14, WidgetKit, Preview, ImageManager doesn't load image #137

Open iDevPro opened 3 years ago

iDevPro commented 3 years ago

Latest SDWebImage from pod

WebImage(url: imageUrl) in preview work like a charm, but

@ObservedObject private var imageManager: ImageManager

init(imageUrl: URL?) {
      imageManager = ImageManager(url: imageUrl)

var body: some View {
    Group {
       if let image = imageManager.image {...} else {...}
    .onAppear { self.imageManager.load() }
    .onDisappear { self.imageManager.cancel() }

Doesn't work in preview, but work in simulator :))

dreampiggy commented 3 years ago

Low level...I don't think this is something we can do.

I doubt that WebImage can not show animation on WidgetKit. Because using WidgetKit, every Runloop/Timer, which drive the animation, will be stopped between iOS 14's Widget timeline update.

berchan commented 3 years ago


Jdb156158 commented 1 year ago

这个问题解决了吗?iOS 14, WidgetKit中怎么去显示动图啊,大佬们