SDWebImage / SDWebImageWebPCoder

A WebP coder plugin for SDWebImage, use libwebp
MIT License
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Invalid xcconfig configuration in SDWebImageWebPCoder.podspec: #106

Closed pepsikirk closed 5 months ago

pepsikirk commented 5 months ago

Invalid xcconfig configuration in SDWebImageWebPCoder.podspec:

'USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(inherited) $(SRCROOT)/libwebp/src'

This is actually invalid because the directory $(SRCROOT)/libwebp/src does not exist. It can be removed.

dreampiggy commented 5 months ago

seems libwebp source code folder structure changes

pepsikirk commented 5 months ago

seems libwebp source code folder structure changes

$(SRCROOT) is actually the project root directory. The final result leading to the project is as shown in the following figure:


Therefore, the configuration is actually meaningless.

dreampiggy commented 5 months ago

SRCROOT is Pods.xcodeproj dir

If you enable multiple_pods_project, it will become libwebp.xcodeproj dir

dreampiggy commented 5 months ago

Seem typo, this SRCROOT should be PODS_ROOT