SE310-1 / W.A.K

W.A.K is a movie tracker web-app developed to simplify and enhance the movie-rating experience while making this process more fun and customisable.
MIT License
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Create Favourite Movie List #53

Closed MRlolface249 closed 11 months ago

MRlolface249 commented 1 year ago

User Story

As a User, I want to be able to compile a list of my favourite movies, So that me and my friends can easily keep track of and compare our favourite movies.

Additional Context

This feature will add a personalized favourites list which the user can use to compile a list of all of their favourite movies and also order them according to their personal ranking, by default the list will order them in the same order they added them and any subsequent films added to the list will automatically be put at the bottom of the ranking.

Dependency Management

Issue #56 is dependent on this issue and tasks which need to be completed before implementation for #56 can begin are annotated in the acceptance criteria section by including a "( #56 )" at the end. All other tasks while still being dependent on #56 can be simulated during testing.

Issue #81 is dependent on this issue, however implementation can proceed as it will assume that the first movie in the favourites list is the one placed first.

Acceptance Criteria