Released Stable version of Starterator for SEA phages; Note does not work with current version of phamerator database! For version compatible with current phamerator database, see this repo: cdshaffer/starterator
Also, one other note on the output. If you could add the track number to the tracks, that would make it easier to identify them rather than having to count down the page. Definitely don't lose the phage names on the track, but maybe begin each of those lines with "track_number: phage name + X".
incorporated into the current textupdatesnumtrack which as of early June is the most upto date version and is being used for production of all pham reports
As suggested by Aaron Best:
Also, one other note on the output. If you could add the track number to the tracks, that would make it easier to identify them rather than having to count down the page. Definitely don't lose the phage names on the track, but maybe begin each of those lines with "track_number: phage name + X".