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Create dataset loader for IndoModal #681

Open SamuelCahyawijaya opened 1 month ago

SamuelCahyawijaya commented 1 month ago

Dataloader name: indomodal/ DataCatalogue:

Dataset indomodal
Description IndoModal is a dataset consisting of annotations related to modality (meanings concerning possibility and necessity) in Indonesian, more specifically "harus", "mesti" and their derivatives "harusnya", "seharusnya", "mestinya" and "semestnya". These words were annotated with regard to various linguistic features, including semantics (e.g. "flavour" [epistemic vs. root]) and syntax (e.g. "level" [main clause vs. non-main clause]). The sentences were taken from three Indonesian subcorpora in the Leipzig Corpora Collection. The suffixes in the file names denote the annotators.
Subsets -
Languages ind
Tasks Word Sense Disambiguation
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (cc-by-4.0)
Paper URL