SEAME-pt / HotWheels-Warmup

Warm Up repository of the SEA:ME Project 2024/2025 for Team01 (HotWheels)
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Research gherkin framework #27

Closed Pastilhex closed 2 weeks ago

Pastilhex commented 2 weeks ago

Research gherkin framework for tests

Fle-bihh commented 2 weeks ago

Gherkin and BDD Frameworks Documentation

Gherkin is a structured, plain-text language designed for writing human-readable test cases. Its format uses keywords like Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And, and But to describe test cases in a natural language that all stakeholders can understand, including non-technical team members.

While Gherkin describes expected behavior, it does not execute tests on its own. For Gherkin files (typically .feature files) to be executed, a BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) framework is required. BDD frameworks like Cucumber, SpecFlow, and Behave act as the engines that interpret and run Gherkin tests.

Each Gherkin step in a .feature file is mapped to a "step definition" function within the BDD framework. When a test runs, the BDD framework reads the .feature file, executes the mapped code, and validates outputs against the expected results. These frameworks also generate detailed reports on which scenarios passed or failed.

Summary: Gherkin is the descriptive language for test cases, while BDD frameworks make these descriptions executable, transforming them from simple documentation into an automated testing suite.

Example .feature File

Feature: String manipulation

Scenario: Convert string to uppercase Given I have a command "up" And an input string "Hello world" When I run the command Then I should see the output "HELLO WORLD"

Fle-bihh commented 2 weeks ago

Gherkin is not a framework. It's a way to write descriptions of your tests that are readable for a non-tech person. You can then use frameworks to convert those descriptions into real tests (python, java etc...).

Doesn't look very useful in our case as everyone understands code. Up for debate.