another thing to think about is if we should have a streaming parser, with the option of parsing messages in a buffered manner
buffered parser will be kind of a storage mechanism on top of a streaming parser, handling all the errors and such
also, if we have a streaming parser, we'll also have the ability to "cancel" parsing, as a kind of way to detect application errors instead of having to wait for the message to be loaded into ram, let the application parse the message, yadda yadda
another thing to think about is if we should have a streaming parser, with the option of parsing messages in a buffered manner
buffered parser will be kind of a storage mechanism on top of a streaming parser, handling all the errors and such
also, if we have a streaming parser, we'll also have the ability to "cancel" parsing, as a kind of way to detect application errors instead of having to wait for the message to be loaded into ram, let the application parse the message, yadda yadda