SEAPUNK / uWebSockets

Highly scalable WebSocket server & client library
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investigate using ghr for binary publishing #1

Open SEAPUNK opened 8 years ago

SEAPUNK commented 8 years ago

this way, on git tag, the CIs will upload the binaries, and we can then have a publish script that downloads all those binaries, packages them, and publishes the package w/ all that's needed

see if you can have multiple CIs upload binaries to the same release

it'll go like this:

the publish script will use the npm version, and assume that it is the git tag, getting the binaries from there

on publish, the maintainers will edit the release and undraft it, marking it as a release or pre-release or whatever

sounds good, as it'll work for both releases and pre-releases

we can also keep the existing makefile scripts and such, since we don't want to use node-gyp to build the binary