Collocations with reference CloudSat products (2C-ICE, DARDAR for TIWP) and currently available relevant TIWP records would allow us to assess the capability of each records to capture inter-annual variability and thus be a way to lend credibility to the records that agree well with the reference measurements.
Additionally, Julia and I would like to relate cloud classes to TIWP and CPCIR brightness temperatures.
Therefore, I suggested to extend the collocation code Hanna is working on to include the following products (if possible):
Collocations with reference CloudSat products (2C-ICE, DARDAR for TIWP) and currently available relevant TIWP records would allow us to assess the capability of each records to capture inter-annual variability and thus be a way to lend credibility to the records that agree well with the reference measurements.
Additionally, Julia and I would like to relate cloud classes to TIWP and CPCIR brightness temperatures.
Therefore, I suggested to extend the collocation code Hanna is working on to include the following products (if possible):