SEEG-Oxford / movement

R package containing useful functions for the analysis of movement data in disease modelling and mapping
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Movement issue 61: implement plot method for movement_model object #85

Closed KathrinTessella closed 9 years ago

KathrinTessella commented 9 years ago

Using the functionality provided by Nick (see

@goldingn : when trying to plot the movement_model from the example, I receive various warnings. Can this be caused by passing over matrices?

# get location data
kenya10 <- raster::aggregate(kenya, 10, sum)
net <- getNetwork(kenya10, min = 50000)
locationData <- data.frame(location = net$locations, population = net$population, x = net$coordinate[,1], y = net$coordinate[,2])
class(locationData) <- c('data.frame', 'location_dataframe')
# simulate movements (note the values of movementmatrix must be integer)
predictedMovement  <- predict(originalRadiation(theta = 0.1), locationData, symmetric = TRUE)
movementMatrix <- predictedMovement$movement_matrix
# fit a new model to these data
movement_model <- movement(movementMatrix ~ locationData, radiationWithSelection(theta = 0.5))
# print and plot model output
codecov-io commented 9 years ago

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@@            master     #85   diff @@
  Files            1       1       
  Stmts          685     697    +12
  Branches         0       0       
  Methods          0       0       
+ Hit            460     461     +1
  Partial          0       0       
- Missed         225     236    +11

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goldingn commented 9 years ago

See my PR to your PR...

KathrinTessella commented 9 years ago

PR to address issue