Last full team meeting was Sept. 7; Next one is Oct. 19?
Data Flagging project
[x] Continued work with sub-milestones of "Identify trends in reporting consistency across variables" and "Explore data with figures"
[x] Created ggplots of area-time data reporting consistency across PR and VI separately for Stoplight Parrotfish and Yellowtail Snapper focusing on the variables:
Note: Yellowtail Snapper (focus on PR, STT, STJ)-
across all variables, data shows consistent lack of reporting in:
St. Thomas between 1990 and 2005
St. Croix between 2010 and present
St. John all years except 1985 and 2009 to 2011
OBS_WEIGHT_KG reporting decreases in Puerto Rico over time since 2000, with only 4 recordings since 2020
2 inaccurate LENGTH1_MM records in 2016 and 2022 Puerto Rico, others with questionable accuracy
Note: Stoplight Parrotfish (focus on STX) -
Sparse SAMPLE_WEIGHT_KG recordings since 2020
Gear most frequently used are pots and traps
5 inaccurate OBS_WEIGHT_KG records in 2016 in Puerto Rico
Lack of reporting in St. Croix from about 2011 to 2016 across variables
[x] Document notes with Quarto
[x] Met with Molly to review code previously used in SEDARS for flagging and data consistency
Historical Data project
[x] Established date glitch between Oracle and Historical datasets:
Dates misalign from Jan 1 to early April and early November to Dec. 31. The historical records are labeled as one day later than the Oracle records for these sets of dates.
Theory: the oracle records have a time value when the historical do not. The time values for the misaligned dates are 23:00:00 while the time value for the aligned dates are 00:00:00. Possibly human error or system glitch caused the time input to be incorrect, thus pushing the dates back by one hour in Oracle to the previous day.
[x] Aligned Muni codes between datasets
[x] Began work with Place_ID codes between datasets
[x] Met with David and Steve to discuss information sharing between projects to aid in area code alignment
[x] Met with Sarina to create functions to pull Oracle data by year and state_code
[x] Began gear_code comparison using tables received from Sarah
Next Steps
Continued work on data consistency visualization across area and time focusing on utilizing past SEDAR strategies
Comparison of historical GEAR_CODES current gear codes within data
Explore Area_codes from other projects and compare to historical areazip_codes
Follow up from last meeting: setting up a confidentiality meeting to discuss moving some code to github
Sub Milestones: Data Flagging Project
Milestone 1 - Send funding to Contracting Agency and Cooperative Institution (DONE)
Milestone 2 - Develop data flagging system to be programed - 9/1/2023
Start exploring data with figures (in process)
Flagging needs to include data visualization work (oddities are often only noted when the data are plotted)
Reach out to projects for documents/updates (Completed)
Better understand complementary projects
Start annotated list of resources (in process)
Revisit specific flags from existing work; identify additional relevant work
Schedule status quo meetings for island specific (?) metadata review
Identify trends in reporting consistency across variables (table showing what has been reported and with what consistency?) (in process)
Revisit specific flags from existing work (S57, S46) (completed)
Revisit sub-milestones
Document new flags (in process)
Finalize reference library of past efforts (in process)
Revisit sub-milestones
Milestone 3 - Develop data visualization to be programed - 10/6/2023
Leverage documentation compiled for milestone 2
Meet with Molly to explore past SEDAR flagging automation
Incorporated documented flags into data visualization system
Inform Milestone 4 - Develop data filtering and binning processes to be programed - 11/3/2023
Sub Milestones: Data Flagging Project
Look at how many unique interviews there for a given date
Interview date vs historical vs oracle # of interviews
Correct dates to historical dates
Areazip correction
Look for sample_county_code table codes that have muni/county names that correspond to codes
Look in oracle tables and tip manuals: Once fixed, update reporting_area_zip
Match gear codes
Convert old species codes to itis
How many length records for each species
Possibly find # of matching and mismatching lengths
Agenda for October 5:
Progress report:
Last full team meeting was Sept. 7; Next one is Oct. 19?
Data Flagging project
Historical Data project
Next Steps
Sub Milestones: Data Flagging Project
Milestone 1 - Send funding to Contracting Agency and Cooperative Institution (DONE)
Milestone 2 - Develop data flagging system to be programed - 9/1/2023
Milestone 3 - Develop data visualization to be programed - 10/6/2023
Sub Milestones: Data Flagging Project