[renewable-integration] - Assessing trade-offs among electrification and grid decarbonization in a clean energy transition: Application to New York State
[data-collection-and-analysis] - A multiscale spatiotemporal approach for smallholder irrigation detection
[household-energy-usage] - Predicting Levels of Household Electricity Consumption in Low-Access Settings
**(not found) The Risks of Energy Shortfalls considering Temperature Extremes, Wind and Solar Energy for the Texas Energy Grid Using a Novel Space-Time Simulation Model
[energy-access-planning] - Promoting reproducibility and increased collaboration in electric sector capacity expansion models with community benchmarking and intercomparison efforts
[ict-energy-and-infrastructure] - Estimating electricity distribution costs using historical data
[household-enery-usage] - Impacts of COVID-19 related stay-at-home restrictions on residential electricity use and implications for future grid stability
[ict-energy-and-infrastructure] - How unprecedented was the February 2021 Texas cold snap?
[household-enery-usage] - Short-term apartment-level load forecasting using a modified neural network with selected auto-regressive features
[household-enery-usage] - Residential electricity conservation in response to auto-generated, multi-featured, personalized eco-feedback designed for large scale applications with utilities
[data-collection-and-analysis] - A scalable framework to measure the impact of spatial heterogeneity on electrification
[renewable-integration] - Decarbonization Pathways for Paraguay’s Energy Sector
[household-enery-usage] - MFRED, 10 second interval real and reactive power for groups of 390 US apartments of varying size and vintage
[data-collection-and-analysis] - Learning to segment from misaligned and partial labels
[renewable-integration] - A stochastic framework to evaluate the impact of agricultural load flexibility on the sizing of renewable energy systems
(already posted) Electricity load implications of space heating decarbonization pathways
(already posted) Irrigation Detection by Car: Computer Vision and Sensing for the Detection and Geolocation of Irrigated and Non-irrigated Farmland
[natural-gas] - Cost-Optimal Sizing and Operation of a Hybrid Heat Pump System Using Numerical Simulation
**(Is this the full article?) - [millennium-development-goals] - Tackling Energy Poverty
[renewable-integration] - Assessing new transmission and energy storage in achieving increasing renewable generation targets in a regional grid
[urban-energy-planning] - Future energy scenarios with distributed technology options for residential city blocks in three climate regions of the United States
[renewable-integration] - Impact of deep wind power penetration on variability at load centers
(already posted) Data for: Electricity Load Implications of Space Heating Decarbonization Pathways
[household-energy-usage] - A longitudinal study of electricity consumption growth in Kenya
(already posted) Low-voltage System Designs for Energy Access
[ict-energy-and-infrastructure] - Reducing Generation, Transmission and Distribution Inefficiencies and the Feasibility of Low Voltage Supply in LICs
(already posted) Value of pumped hydro storage in a hybrid energy generation and allocation system
(already posted) A geospatial framework for electrification planning in developing countries
**(not found) Electricity Access in Emerging and Developing Countries
(already posted) Global trends in urban electricity demands for cooling and heating
(already posted) Benefits of forecasting and energy storage in isolated grids with large wind penetration–The case of Sao Vicente
(already posted) Experimental and analytical investigation of hydronic system retrofits in an urban high-rise mixed use building
(already posted) Current and near-term GHG emissions factors from electricity production for New York State and New York City
(already posted) Examination of the optimal operation of building scale combined heat and power systems under disparate climate and GHG emissions rates
(already posted) Can electricity pricing save india’s groundwater? field evidence from a novel policy mechanism in gujarat
(already posted) Modeling wind power curtailment with increased capacity in a regional electricity grid supplying a dense urban demand
**(copy notice prohibits?) The use of technology for large-scale education planning and decision-making
[renewable-integration] - Assessing trade-offs among electrification and grid decarbonization in a clean energy transition: Application to New York State assets/uploads/blog/2022/publications/assessing-trade-offs-among-electrification-and-grid-decarbonization.pdf 2022-03-17-assessing-trade-offs-among-electrification.md
[data-collection-and-analysis] - A multiscale spatiotemporal approach for smallholder irrigation detection assets/uploads/blog/2022/publications/a-multiscale-spatiotemporal-approach-for-smallholder-irrigation-detection.pdf 2022-03-21-a-multiscale-spatiotemporal-approach-for-smallholder-irrigation-detection.md
[household-energy-usage] - Predicting Levels of Household Electricity Consumption in Low-Access Settings assets/uploads/blog/2022/publications/predicting-levels-of-household-electricity-consumption-in-low-access-settings.pdf 2021-12-15-predicting-levels-of-household-electricity-consumption-in-low-access-settings.md
**(not found) The Risks of Energy Shortfalls considering Temperature Extremes, Wind and Solar Energy for the Texas Energy Grid Using a Novel Space-Time Simulation Model
[energy-access-planning] - Promoting reproducibility and increased collaboration in electric sector capacity expansion models with community benchmarking and intercomparison efforts assets/uploads/blog/2021/publications/promoting-reproducibility-and-increased-collaboration-in-electric-sector.pdf 2021-09-13-promoting-reproducibility-and-increased-collaboration-in-electric-sector.md
[ict-energy-and-infrastructure] - Estimating electricity distribution costs using historical data assets/uploads/blog/2021/publications/estimating-electricity-distribution-costs-using-historical-data.pdf 2021-11-01-estimating-electricity-distribution-costs-using-historical-data.md
[household-enery-usage] - Impacts of COVID-19 related stay-at-home restrictions on residential electricity use and implications for future grid stability assets/uploads/blog/2021/publications/impacts-of-covid-19-related-stay-at-home-restrictions-on-residential-electricity-use.pdf 2021-08-03-impacts-of-covid-19-related-stay-at-home-restrictions-on-residential-electricity-use.md
[ict-energy-and-infrastructure] - How unprecedented was the February 2021 Texas cold snap? assets/uploads/blog/2021/publications/how-unprecedented-was-the-february-2021-texas-cold-snap.pdf 2021-06-08-how-unprecedented-was-the-february-2021-texas-cold-snap.md
[household-enery-usage] - Short-term apartment-level load forecasting using a modified neural network with selected auto-regressive features assets/uploads/blog/2021/publications/short-term-apartment-level-load-forecasting-using-a-modified-neural-network.pdf 2021-02-01-short-term-apartment-level-load-forecasting-using-a-modified-neural-network.md
[household-enery-usage] - Residential electricity conservation in response to auto-generated, multi-featured, personalized eco-feedback designed for large scale applications with utilities assets/uploads/blog/2020/publications/residential-electricity-conservation-for-large-scale-applications-with-utilities.pdf 2020-12-11-residential-electricity-conservation-for-large-scale-applications-with-utilities.md
[data-collection-and-analysis] - A scalable framework to measure the impact of spatial heterogeneity on electrification assets/uploads/blog/2020/publications/a-scalable-framework-to-measure-the-impact-of-spatial-heterogeneity-on-electrification.pdf 2020-12-28-a-scalable-framework-to-measure-the-impact-of-spatial-heterogeneity-on-electrification.md
[renewable-integration] - Decarbonization Pathways for Paraguay’s Energy Sector assets/uploads/blog/2021/publications/decarbonization-pathways-for-paraguays-energy-sector.pdf 2021-11-01-decarbonization-pathways-for-paraguays-energy-sector.md
**(not found) A Novel Method of Irrigation Detection and Estimation of the Effects of Productive Electricity Demands on Energy System Planning https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020AGUFMGC034..08C/abstract
[household-enery-usage] - MFRED, 10 second interval real and reactive power for groups of 390 US apartments of varying size and vintage assets/uploads/blog/2020/publications/ten-second-interval-power-for-us-apartments-of-varying-size-and-vintage.pdf 2020-11-09-ten-second-interval-power-for-us-apartments-of-varying-size-and-vintage.md
[data-collection-and-analysis] - Learning to segment from misaligned and partial labels assets/uploads/blog/2020/publications/learning-to-segment-from-misaligned-and-partial-labels.pdf 2020-05-27-learning-to-segment-from-misaligned-and-partial-labels.md
[renewable-integration] - A stochastic framework to evaluate the impact of agricultural load flexibility on the sizing of renewable energy systems assets/uploads/blog/2020/publications/a-stochastic-framework-to-evaluate-the-impact-of-agricultural-load-flexibility.pdf 2020-01-30-a-stochastic-framework-to-evaluate-the-impact-of-agricultural-load-flexibility.md
(already posted) Electricity load implications of space heating decarbonization pathways (already posted) Irrigation Detection by Car: Computer Vision and Sensing for the Detection and Geolocation of Irrigated and Non-irrigated Farmland
**(Is this the full article?) - [millennium-development-goals] - Tackling Energy Poverty assets/uploads/blog/2019/publications/tackling-energy-poverty.pdf 2019-12-20-tackling-energy-poverty.md
**(not found) Existing and Projected Infrastructure Capacities Motivate Alternatives to'All-Electric'Heating Decarbonization
[urban-energy-planning] - Future energy scenarios with distributed technology options for residential city blocks in three climate regions of the United States assets/uploads/blog/2019/publications/future-energy-scenarios-with-distributed-technology-options-for-residential-city-blocks.pdf 2019-01-07-future-energy-scenarios-with-distributed-technology-options-for-residential-city-blocks.md
[renewable-integration] - Impact of deep wind power penetration on variability at load centers assets/uploads/blog/2018/publications/impact-of-deep-wind-power-penetration-on-variability-at-load-centers.pdf 2018-11-17-impact-of-deep-wind-power-penetration-on-variability-at-load-centers.md
(already posted) Data for: Electricity Load Implications of Space Heating Decarbonization Pathways
**(not found) Examining Ice Storage and Solar PV As a Potential Push Toward Sustainability for Qatar https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/IMECE/proceedings-abstract/IMECE2018/52088/V06BT08A052/275406
**(not found) The Value of Energy Flexibility: Integrating Wind Resources in New York State https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/IMECE/proceedings-abstract/IMECE2018/V06BT08A033/275387
(already posted) Low-voltage System Designs for Energy Access
(already posted) Value of pumped hydro storage in a hybrid energy generation and allocation system (already posted) A geospatial framework for electrification planning in developing countries
**(not found) Electricity Access in Emerging and Developing Countries
(already posted) Global trends in urban electricity demands for cooling and heating (already posted) Benefits of forecasting and energy storage in isolated grids with large wind penetration–The case of Sao Vicente (already posted) Experimental and analytical investigation of hydronic system retrofits in an urban high-rise mixed use building (already posted) Current and near-term GHG emissions factors from electricity production for New York State and New York City (already posted) Examination of the optimal operation of building scale combined heat and power systems under disparate climate and GHG emissions rates (already posted) Can electricity pricing save india’s groundwater? field evidence from a novel policy mechanism in gujarat (already posted) Modeling wind power curtailment with increased capacity in a regional electricity grid supplying a dense urban demand
**(copy notice prohibits?) The use of technology for large-scale education planning and decision-making
**(no pdf found) L objectif de développement durable relatif à l énergie et les technologies de l information et de la communication https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/journals/24119911/52/3/15/read https://www.un.org/fr/chronicle/article/lobjectif-de-developpement-durable-relatif-lenergie-et-les-technologies-de-linformation-et-de-la
(already posted) A stochastic model for a macroscale hybrid renewable energy system
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