I'm still not 100% sure that I'm understanding this correctly, but it looks like scenario 167 (over 8,000 pts) run on the very large amazon instance fished and the results are downloadable as a zip file. I've downloaded them and looked at the briefly, and so far I don't see anything unusal or problematic.
But it seems strange / confusing to me because:
-- the map / output view of the scenrio will not load in NP
-- the admin page still says "saving output" (i.e no "end scenario" and no "end job"
-- the title of teh scenario in the scenario list seems to include the correct id number (167) which is a bit unusual -- much of this time this ins't added until after the scenario is done, and changed when the results are viewed in the map view.
I'm not sure that there is anything essential to resolve soon (or ever, given how rare this is). But this is strange behavior that can cause problems. we've seen it before, though I can't note the scenario number (maybe Shaky can) where NP finishes a job and makes outputs available, only through download of the zip. importantly it leaves most indicators in a state that lead users to believe that the scenario has not actually finished, so one doesn't know that a usable output is available until you simply try to dowload the zip, which users may hesitate to do if they think NP is working hard and perhaps an extra task might "break" it.
I'm still not 100% sure that I'm understanding this correctly, but it looks like scenario 167 (over 8,000 pts) run on the very large amazon instance fished and the results are downloadable as a zip file. I've downloaded them and looked at the briefly, and so far I don't see anything unusal or problematic.
But it seems strange / confusing to me because: -- the map / output view of the scenrio will not load in NP -- the admin page still says "saving output" (i.e no "end scenario" and no "end job" -- the title of teh scenario in the scenario list seems to include the correct id number (167) which is a bit unusual -- much of this time this ins't added until after the scenario is done, and changed when the results are viewed in the map view.
I'm not sure that there is anything essential to resolve soon (or ever, given how rare this is). But this is strange behavior that can cause problems. we've seen it before, though I can't note the scenario number (maybe Shaky can) where NP finishes a job and makes outputs available, only through download of the zip. importantly it leaves most indicators in a state that lead users to believe that the scenario has not actually finished, so one doesn't know that a usable output is available until you simply try to dowload the zip, which users may hesitate to do if they think NP is working hard and perhaps an extra task might "break" it.