SEL-Columbia / nmis

Nigeria MDG Information System
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Recenter the MDG map #280

Closed shakythesherpa closed 10 years ago

shakythesherpa commented 10 years ago

We need to recenter the map so that it is nudged a little to the left. If needed this is the desired center location 9.2, 7.8

csytan commented 10 years ago

@sherpashaky, could I possibly get the bounding box coordinates (SW & NE) from you? That way we can limit the zoom out and panning so that the map stays centered.

csytan commented 10 years ago

Currently it's set at var sw = L.latLng(4.0834527720386316, 1.29638671875); var ne = L.latLng(14.264383087562662, 14.7216796875);

shakythesherpa commented 10 years ago

Chris, Can you try the following please: SW- 3.0747, 1.9116 NE - 14.3708, 15.249