The current solution to run a VM on MacOS shared runners using Vagrant is becoming very unreliable and almost always breaks. Replace it with Testing Farm [1], utilizing the "Schedule tests on Testing Farm" GH Action [2].
more reliable
allows us to test also on aarch64
currently no usage limits for public projects (will likely change)
requires an API key to be stored in the project's secrets (under the name TESTING_FARM_API_TOKEN)
GitHub won't allow the target project's secrets to be used when running a workflow on a pull request from a fork, therefore PRs won't be automatically tested unless the contributor sets their own API key in their fork
only people with a Fedora account in the fedora-contributor group can currently obtain an API key on their own (others would need to ask for it via email)
no real-time view of test progress (may become available in the future via the artifacts view)
The new CI runs the testsuite on a similar testing matrix as the old one, although it only tests on the latest Fedora version and additionally tests on the aarch64 architecture. It also runs the NFS tests (./tools/, which the old one didn't.
The current solution to run a VM on MacOS shared runners using Vagrant is becoming very unreliable and almost always breaks. Replace it with Testing Farm [1], utilizing the "Schedule tests on Testing Farm" GH Action [2].
The new CI runs the testsuite on a similar testing matrix as the old one, although it only tests on the latest Fedora version and additionally tests on the aarch64 architecture. It also runs the NFS tests (./tools/, which the old one didn't.
[1] [2]