SEMCOG / semcog_urbansim

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Calibrated cost shifters #15

Closed janowicz closed 6 years ago

janowicz commented 6 years ago

This PR updates cost_shifters.yaml with cost-shifter values from the first completed calibration run. Feel free to do a test simulation run.

Note: The calibrated cost-shifter values assume you are simulating with the changes in #10 and #11.

Calibration Target Data:

Calibration process:

  1. Iteratively simulate the 2016 - 2018 period without scheduled development events
  2. Compare simulated residential/non-residential supply growth proportions by city_id with the observed proportions from 2010 - 2015
  3. Adjust cost-shifters to guide simulation in the direction of observed growth trends. Overshoot growth -> increase city cost. Undershoot growth -> decrease city cost
  4. Terminate calibration once either correlation between simulated/observed exceeds .9 or once cost shifters reach excessively high values

Calibration goal: