Repository for the specifications falling under CCCEV
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Qualified relations - AND/OR/NOT combinations of Criterions #51

Open bdevloed opened 1 year ago

bdevloed commented 1 year ago

Are there any examples of qualified relations of requirements? Specifically nested AND/OR/NOT lists? Or any application profiles implementing this?

I assume this will be a very common pattern in most applications. I would like to avoid reinventing the wheel as this would hinder interoperability.

My use case is complex high level requirements (Criterions) for public services - e.g. (in Dutch).

Possible ways to model this:

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

Expressing a Requirement as a logical combination of sub requirements is not part of CCCEV. The only logical expression which is available is the AND. Namely via hasRequirement. According to RDF semantics multiple statements of hasRequirement correspond to an logical AND.

So far only the need of a logical combination of the response side (via EvidenceTypeList) has been provided: that describes the kind of responses (EvidenceTypes) that would support the requirements.

If we approach the requirement side in the same way as the response side, the notion of a RequirementList could be introduced which represents an OR between different RequirementList entities.

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

On qualified relationships: it should be further specialised by the implementer with a qualification. E.g. a possibility could be a country qualification to indicate that the referenced requirement is the member state implementation.

The difference between hasRequirement and qualifiedRelationship is that in the first case the qualification is fixed to be part_of/contained in/more detailed as. The intend of qualifiedRelationship is to be a superproperty of any other case.

I agree this is very abstract. In general CCCEV is a great as abstract outline to interconnect the notions Requirement and Evidence, leaving a lot of freedom to implementers.

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago


what is the solution you in the end developed?

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

Association class on a self relation on Criterion?