Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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[Editorial] Definition of the class Dataset is unclear #103

Open jimjyang opened 2 years ago

jimjyang commented 2 years ago

The definition of the class Dataset says now: "This class represents a collection of metadata and where they can be found, for instance on a regional public service portal and/or a national eGovernment portal."

"metadata" about what? who/what are "they"?

Please also keep in mind that the class Dataset is also a super-class of the class Evidence (i.e., Dataset is not only for describing a Public Service).

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago


The definition of DCAT dataset is :

"A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more representations."

So the definition could be adapted for CPSV-AP:

"A collection of data including public services descriptions and where they can be found."

williamverbeeck commented 1 year ago

During the webinar on the review of CPSV-AP on the 7th of November, it was agreed to investigate if the explicit inclusion of dcat:Dataset in the model is necessary and whether it is used or not.