Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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What does "cv:OpeningHoursSpecification is aligned to schema:OpeningHoursSpecification" exactly mean? #109

Closed jimjyang closed 1 year ago

jimjyang commented 1 year ago

The usage note for the class Opening Hours Specification (and also the RDF representation) says that "This class is aligned to OpeningHoursSpecification class."

What does "aligned to" exactly mean?

Does it mean:

  1. cv:OpeningHoursSpecification owl:equivalentClass schema:OpeningHoursSpecification,
  2. cv:OpeningHoursSpecification rdfs:subClassOf schema:OpeningHoursSpecification,
  3. or something else?

Could you please specify this more precisely, also using machine-readable expressions in the RDF representation?

[At the national leve, when establishing national application profiles of CPSV-AP, we have to have a semantically/ontologically as precise as possible understanding of CPSV-AP.]

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

Hello @jimjyang ,

the alignment means having the same meaning (since the class was originally coming from, so the 1st option would be used.

However, there is a proposition to change this class and use time:TemporalEntity since the meaning is to describe a time period (or instant) that can be easily represented with TemporalEntity. The class OpeningHoursSpecification has been critiIzed in the Core Public Event working group, see issue, thus the proposal to change it. The proposition will be discussed during the webinar of 27 October.

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

The approach of CPSV-AP will follow issue that means use time:TemporalEntity for openingHours and specialOpeningHours