Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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[CPSV-AP v.3.1] in the class Public Service: why creating a new URI cv:releatedService instead of using the existing dct:releated? #114

Closed jimjyang closed 1 year ago

jimjyang commented 1 year ago

For the property "related service" in the class Public Service in CPSV-AP v.3.1, why not use dct:relation (as in CPSV-AP v.3.0) instead of creating a new/own URI cv:relatedService?

[Similarly, for the property "requires" in the same class, you use the existing dct:requires instead of creating a new/own URI cv:requiresService]

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

Hello @jimjyang ,

this is because of issue #63

the 2 new URI are subproperty of dct:relation see: