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[CPSV-AP v3.1] Usage of time:TemporalEntity #115

Open jimjyang opened 1 year ago

jimjyang commented 1 year ago

Where time:TemporalEnity is used in CPSV-AP v.3.1, the usage notes say "For more structured data use the model in Time Ontology, see an example."

However, time:TemporalEnity itself doesn't say anything about what a particular temporal entity is about.

The property cv:openingHours ("opening hours") is precise enough because it tells you that the instance of time:TemporalEntity it refers to, is about the opening hours. On the other hand, the property cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification ("availability restriction") isn't precise enough. What does "special" ("restriction") mean? "closed", "holiday opening hours" (which are not "normal opening hours"), ...?

Comparing to, you have schema:opens or schema:closes which you may use to tell precisely what a particular opening hours specification is about.

So, does cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification only and always mean "closed"? If yes, better to choose a more precise URI (and property name). If not, please specify (or at least recommend) which URIs to use in order to distinguish between the different scenarios.

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

Hello @jimjyang ,

In version 3.1.0 in the definition of availability restriction of a Contact Point we have now: "The time during which the Contact Point is not available."

Looking back at version 3.0.0, in the definition of Opening Hours Specification we have: An exceptional circumstance that overrides the normal Opening Hours, such as being closed on public holidays.

Would it be fine if we improve the definition of availability restriction to the following ?

"The time during which the Contact Point is not available, , such as being closed on public holidays"

jimjyang commented 1 year ago


For this property "availability restriction", I think we first need to look at which "abnormal" situations that may occur (overriding the normal opening hours expressed by the property cv:openingHours), and then look for possible solutions.

"Abnormal" situations / "restrictions": 1) shorter (than normal) openings hours 2) closed 3) other situations / "restrictions"?

Is it possible to use only one property to express all those "abnormal" situations, when time:TemporalEntity only gives you the possibility to express the TemporalEntity itself?

Or, as you've already done (with e.g. "frequency"), perhaps it's better to add more properties to the class time:TemporalEntity, "opens" (or "available") and "closes" (or "unavailable"), which might be a more flexible solution (you may add more properties later, to cover other "abnormal" situations / "restrictions")?