Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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[CPSV-AP v.3.1.1] "The possible values for this property are provided in the controlled vocabulary ..." #119

Open jimjyang opened 1 year ago

jimjyang commented 1 year ago

CPSV-AP v.3.1.1 uses "The possible values for this property are provided in the controlled vocabulary <given-controlled-vocab>" several places: cv:currency in the class Cost, dct:type and cv:sector in the class Public Service.


  1. Does this mean that the <given-controlled-vocabulary> shall be used for that property? (similar to DCAT-AP, 5.2 Controlled vocabularies to be used, which says "... controlled vocabularies that MUST be used for the listed properties")
    1. If so, please consider using the wording "shall" or suchlike.
    2. If so, shouldn't this be modelled as dependency? i.e. that <given-controlled-vocabulary> as the range for that particular property (conf. CMC-R14 in SEMIC Style Guide)
  2. An editorial comment: the sentence "The possible values for this property ..." occurs twice for cv:sector in the class Public Service.