Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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Why the cardinality restriction 1..1 for the property cv:hasParticipant? #122

Open jimjyang opened 1 year ago

jimjyang commented 1 year ago

I see from the closed Issue #110 that this was decided during the webinar 7th Nov 2022, but I could unfortunately not recall why ...

In CPSV-AP v.3.1.1, it is 1..1 for the property cv:hasParticipant from Participation to Agent, while/although it is 0..* for the property cv:participates the other way (an Agent may participate in more than one Participation but a Participation has one and only one Agent as its participant).

Does this mean that a given Participation is "tailored" for one and only one given Agent such that no other Agents may participate in that Participation?

Wouldn't it be easier to implement if it was 1..* for cv:hasParticipant?