Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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[3.2.0] 10. Example #127

Open jimjyang opened 9 months ago

jimjyang commented 9 months ago

Very useful to see examples!

Some comments:

  1. use either rdf:type or a in the Turtle representation?
  2. cv:frequency <WEEKLY> missing in ex:specialOpeningHours1?
  3. instead of letting ex:requirement1 and ex:evidence1 refer to each other (expressing the same semantics), perhaps more illustrative (and "educational") to let ex:publicService1 refer to ex:requirement1 using cv:holdsRequirement, and keep one (and only one) of the relations between ex:evidence1 and ex:requirement1 (e.g. ex:evidence1 cv:supportsRequirement ex:requirement1)?
EmidioStani commented 8 months ago

Hello @jimjyang ,

thanks for your feedback !

  1. better be consistent, in this case let's use "a" as it is shorter, unless the community prefer rdf:type
  2. it is not mandatory but we could add it
  3. we will add the relation cv:holdsRequirement in public service.

I think reciprocal relations between the evidence1 and requirement1 are still fine, why limiting to only 1? it is just an example after all or you think it might be confusing ?