Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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Agent: Alignment with DCAT-AP and CCCEV #36

Closed EmidioStani closed 2 years ago

EmidioStani commented 5 years ago

In DCAT-AP (inherited from DCAT) and CCCEV there is usage of foaf:Agent while in CPSV-AP there is dct:Agent. In addition in CPOV the class Organization is subclass of org:Organization which is subclass of foaf:Agent

The people from Foaf say that the 2 classes are equivalent:

"Dublin Core's notion of Agent is much like FOAF's; Dublin Core says "A resource that acts or has the power to act.", we say "things that do stuff". As nobody has provided a counter-example of something fitting one definition but not the other, we say here that foaf:Agent stands in an 'equivalent class' relationship to dct:Agent (and vice-versa)."

There is one consideration to take in account: dct:publisher has range dct:Agent

Such relation exists already in DCAT-AP and linked to foaf:Agent

To keep this observation in mind:

kareljanr commented 4 years ago

Definitions of Agent: prov:Agent: An agent is something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's activity.

dct:Agent: A resource that acts or has the power to act.

foaf:Agent: An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).

How it's done in related models: DCAT foaf:agent

CCCEV foaf:agent

To align with DCAT and CCCEV the Catalogue of Services team proposes to change dct:agent to foaf:agent in CPSV-AP.

albeaufays commented 3 years ago

This issue has been discussed during the webinar of the 09 December 2020. Given that no objections were raised when the proposed resolution was presented, the change will therefore be included in the next release of CPSV-AP.

NathanGhesq commented 2 years ago

This change has been made in CPSV-AP 3.0, therefore this issue will be closed.