Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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Concession Contract #80

Closed NathanGhesq closed 2 years ago

NathanGhesq commented 2 years ago

With the objective of delegating the public service to a private organisation, the class Concession Contract (definition, art 11. This definition is similar to the definition on DBPedia) has been proposed in the webinar of 06/04/2022, with the following properties:

and the following relations:

This would help to model cases like Issue #71 or concessions for private highways. However, the proposition does not intend to cover licences to develop an activity that can be considered a public service, such as telecom services, health services or educational services.

If there are no objections, this will be added in CPSV-AP 3.0.

EmidioStani commented 2 years ago

The class has been included in CPSV-AP 3.0.0