Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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Why 0..n for dct:identifier in Dataset (while it is 1 for all other dct:identifier)? #84

Open jimjyang opened 2 years ago

jimjyang commented 2 years ago

Any reason why the cardinality for dct:identifier in the class Dataset (dcat:Dataset) is 0..* [while the cardinality for dct:identifier in all the other classes is 1 (if I have read correctly)]?

NathanGhesq commented 2 years ago

dct:identifier has a minimum cardinality of 0 because it is reused from DCAT-AP. This explains why the identifier of dcat:Dataset has a different cardinality than other identifiers in CPSV-AP.

williamverbeeck commented 1 year ago

During the webinar on the review of CPSV-AP on the 7th of November, it was agreed to investigate if the explicit inclusion of dcat:Dataset in the model is necessary and whether it is used or not.