Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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Requirement vs./and Evidence #88

Closed jimjyang closed 2 years ago

jimjyang commented 2 years ago

CCCEV v.2.00: As we understand it, the central class in CCCEV is "Requirement" (which could be Criterion, InformationRequirement or Constraint) which may have supporting "Evidence" (Requirement hasSupportingEvidence Evidence; Evidence supportsRequirement Requirement).

Similarly in CPSV-AP v.3.00: The description of the class Requirement in CPSV-AP v.3.00 says "Condition or prerequisite that is to be proven by Evidence", and the description of the class Evidence says "... any resource that can to prove that a specific requirement is met" (BTW, there is a typo in the sentence ("can to")).


  1. Why no relations between "Requirement" and "Evidence" in CPSV-AP v.3.00?
  2. Why "Evidence" as direct input to PublicService in CPSV-AP v.3.00, not as supportingEvidence to "Requirement"? [especially when Requirement according to CCCEV could be InformationRequirement]
EmidioStani commented 2 years ago

Hello @jimjyang ,

1) there was no particular reason to omit it, since you requested we added it, it clutters a bit the diagram (passing through different relations) but it is still readable.

2) Historically a Public Service has input as Evidence, since version 2.0, Member States can then now see how it is better to connect either directly or indirectly via Requirement