Repository for the specifications falling under CPSV-AP
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cv:Output as a subclass of dcat:Dataset? #91

Open jimjyang opened 2 years ago

jimjyang commented 2 years ago

As we read the description of the class Output, "In the context of a Public Service, the output provides an official document or other artefact of the Competent Authority (Public Organization) that permits/authorises/entitles an Agent to (do) something", an output is a dataset.

Is it correctly understood?

If yes, similar to that cv:Evidence is a subclass of dcat:Dataset, could we make it explicit in CPSV-AP v.3.0.0 that cv:Output is a subclass of dcat:Dataset? This will promote and make it easier for data sharing and reuse.

EmidioStani commented 2 years ago

Hello @jimjyang ,

the interpretation of the definition is more Output as a document or artefact it cannot be interpreted as dataset or a subclass of it. The relation between Output and Evidence is not also straightforward, sometimes an Output can be used as an Evidence but not always. This could be an open point to discuss over a future webinar, to keep it open

jimjyang commented 2 years ago

the interpretation of the definition is more Output as a document or artefact it cannot be interpreted as dataset or a subclass of it.

Examples of "other artefact [...] that permits/authorises/entitles an Agent to (do) something" which are not datasets?

EmidioStani commented 2 years ago

Hello @jimjyang, an identity card or a permit certificate are not necessary a dataset per se.

EmidioStani commented 2 years ago

As stated before, this could be an open point to discuss over a future webinar, I don't personally disagree with but an open discussion should be hold, so this issue will be open

jimjyang commented 1 year ago


Conf. the chat at the webinar recently about CPSV-AP, where you asked me to provide an example of cv:Output as a dcat:Dataset.

If and when your application is approved, the cv:Output of the cv:PublicServiceRenew your driving licence” provided by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, is a set of data about your new driving licence (or, a “row” in the “table” over all driving licences), and the description of this dcat:Dataset (with its distribution etc.) is already published in our national data portal, The (digital) driving licence is used in e.g. traffic controls and may also be used as an identification document in Norway. [The physical plastic card you get, is only a representation of the same dataset (the "row" about your licence in the "table" over all licences).]

williamverbeeck commented 1 year ago

During the webinar on the review of CPSV-AP on the 7th of November, it was agreed to:

This issue is related to #111.