SEMICeu / Core-Business-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Business Vocabulary
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Relation with REGORG #25

Closed GeertThijs closed 1 year ago

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

What is the relation of this VOC with the REGORG VOC? I am under the impression that they cover broadly the same domain. REGORG was a continuation of the Core Business VOC v1.0, so why not start from REGORG for the Core Business VOC v2.0 so as not to end up with different uri's for what is actually the same concept. Eg LegalEntity was rebranded to RegisteredOrganisation by REGORG, following the reasoning that an Organization becomes a LegalEntity when it is officially registered. So why has the Core Business VOC 2.0 redefined concepts that already in REGORG?

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

SeeAlso issue #27

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

REGORG Voc is not anymore maintained, the continuation is Core Business Vocabulary.

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

The decision, in agreement with W3C, is to redirect the legal namespace:

to Core Business

While the regorg stays on W3C:

Keep in mind that reg org is a Working Group Note and not a W3C recommendation like Organization Ontology: and it is not currently maintained.