SEMICeu / Core-Business-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Business Vocabulary
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Core Business Vocabulary identical to RegisteredOrganisations Vocabulary. #27

Closed GeertThijs closed 1 year ago

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

The Core Business Vocabulary (CBV) is almost identical to the already existing RegisteredOrganisations Vocabulary (REGORG). The model is nearly exactly the same, specializing FormalOrganization from the Organization Ontology. Definitions are almost identical, some text is literally copied from REGORG. Attributes are more ore less the same, they were just given different names. Is there any good reason for this? We use REGORG since 2017 in Flanders as part of our semantic interoperability project known as OSLO (Open Standards for Linking Organizations). One of our most important rules is to adhere to and reuse as many existing standards/ontologies as possible so as not to hamper interoperability by creating different identifiers for identical concepts. Solution here would be to include equivalence statements in the CBV RDF spec, but better would be to actually reuse the REGORG uri's (and labels).

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

Just to illustrate that both ontologies are identical, see the following UML class diagrams recreated from both ontologies put side-by-side: image Only differences are:

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

EGORG Voc is not anymore maintained, the continuation is Core Business Vocabulary.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

EGORG Voc is not anymore maintained, the continuation is Core Business Vocabulary.

I understand. However, I rather experience it as a continuation of the Core Business Vocabulary 1.0 as certain improvements made by RegOrg seem to have been discarded by version 2.0. See issues #25, #26, #28, #29 and #30 in this respect. Meanwhile I assume RegOrg remains online so we can continue to use it?

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

Hello @GeertThijs ,

Redirection from RegOrg to Core Business will be put in place at a certain point in time, until then it is definitely possible to use it.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

Hello @GeertThijs ,

Redirection from RegOrg to Core Business will be put in place at a certain point in time, until then it is definitely possible to use it.

@EmidioStani Before any redirection is put in effect, I would like you to consider the above mentioned issues with CBV2.0. In short these are: 1) LegalEntity is too broad a name for a RegisteredOrganization, 2) as a result the definition of it does not correspond with a Business or RegisteredOrganization, 3) the namespace ns/legal is not a good choice, 4) certain attributes should be inherited from org:Organization and 5) for localisation of the Business a link with its Site is a better solution.

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

Hello @GeertThijs,

these issues will be discussed separately as you proposed in a dedicated working group meeting; redirection concerns more the management of it, making sure of the continuity of work

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

The decision, in agreement with W3C, is to redirect the legal namespace:

to Core Business

While the regorg stays on W3C:

Keep in mind that reg org is a Working Group Note and not a W3C recommendation like Organization Ontology: and it is not currently maintained.