SEMICeu / Core-Business-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Business Vocabulary
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More alignment with HVD #45

Open PerNordanlind opened 1 year ago

PerNordanlind commented 1 year ago

Within the HVD:

in the Annex (Ares) - Section 5.1 - page 32

  1. "Company status (such as when it is closed, struck off the register, wound up, dissolved (as well as the date of these events), economically active or inactive as defined in national law);"

The date for status is not in EU Core Business 2.1.0. We can have multiple statuses and for each status we need a date. I argue that we should create a new class LegalEntityStatus and remove that from LegalEntity. LegalEntityStatus should have code and date as properties. As a minimum we should add LegalEntityStatusDate to LegalEntity.

  1. "Member State where the company is registered". Not really included in the EU Core Business 2.1.0. I guess you could reply SEBOLREG (The BRIS code) in Identifier:issuingAuthorityName and that would be OK? If not there should be something like LegalEntity:registrationCountry added.