SEMICeu / Core-Business-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Business Vocabulary
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[Use case]: load the core-business ontology #47

Open ticapix opened 1 month ago

ticapix commented 1 month ago

Use case name

load the core-business ontology

Please insert the status of the use case



Problem statement

We can't load the ontology by resolving nor pre-fetch a file directly from this repository.

(json context and shacl file are provided, but not a ontology file defining for example owl:Class, owl:DatatypeProperty, ...

Or at least, I couldn't find it

Existing approaches

When we want to use W3C vcard, we can load the ontology in a turtle format, from the base uri

from owlready2 import get_ontology
onto = get_ontology("").load()
for classe in onto.classes():
    print(classe, classe.iri)


import rdflib
g= rdflib.Graph()
for s, p, o in g:
    print(s, p, o)

How to do the same with SEMIC Core Business vocabulary ?


as a developer working with ontology framework, I would like to be able to load the ontology with a machine readable file.

PerNordanlind commented 1 month ago

I agree on this, it is an issue we face in a Swedish context and also in the Nordic collaboration project NSG&B. Would be super if this is addressed in next update!