SEMICeu / Core-Person-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Person Vocabulary
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Validate JSON-LD Context for errors before publishing #41

Closed amiika closed 2 years ago

amiika commented 2 years ago

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JSON-LD Context validation and examples

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Use case creator

Miika Alonen


Everyone using JSON-LD and SEMIC vocabularies

Problem statement

Current release of the JSON-LD Context is invalid. Missing type on a property. There is also multiple occurrences of @id where it should be string. Some property names (like "Address.administrativeUnitLevel1 (country)" also seems very odd.

Publishing non-functioning vocabulary (even if draft) is a big credibility problem.

Existing approaches

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Create example JSON-LD documents and validation process for the JSON-LD context.

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EmidioStani commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, the JSON-LD context is automatically generated from the UML class diagram, sure that quality has to be checked.

The JSON-LD has been regenerated and I can test it with valid JSON-LD: {
"@id" : "", "@type": "", "@context": "", "Address.administrativeUnitLevel1 (country)" : { "@value": "France", "@language": "fr" } }

that works with EasyRDF and RDF Blue Mix