SEMICeu / Core-Person-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Person Vocabulary
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URI of foaf:familyName and foaf:givenName #44

Open EmidioStani opened 1 year ago

EmidioStani commented 1 year ago

In the current Core Person Vocabulary:

The Person class has 2 properties: "family name" and "given name".

The "family name" property has URI: The "given name" property has URI:

The 2 URI give now a "not found" error. The 2 URI have been created following FOAF 0.99 of 2014, now reachable via Internet Archive:

However currently/temporarily FOAF switched to version 0.1 of 2004 where the 2 URI are respectively:

This issue is open to take the time to evaluate if the temporary switch will persist or not.

It can be noticed that in LOV both URI are present, thus is expected that the community is also splitted between the 2.