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The Catalog Class - UsageNote update? #128

Closed aidig closed 2 months ago

aidig commented 4 years ago

The usage note of the class dcat:Catalog is currently:

A catalogue or repository that hosts the Datasets being described.

One of the main changes in DCAT 2.0 is the addition of a dcat:Resource class for representing any asset than can be included in the catalog as well as the addition of dcat:DataService to support catalog service end-points providing access to data assets. The fact that dcat:Dataset and dcat:DataService are both resources that can be catalogued is poorly reflected in the above usage note.

Also, note that definition of catalogue in DCAT 2.0:

A curated collection of metadata about resources (e.g., datasets and data services in the context of a data catalog).

Might the usage note in this EU Data Portal context possibly benefit from better alignment with the DCAT definition, if indeed such portal could catalogue both dataset and dataservices.

aidig commented 4 years ago

This comment applies to the class Catalog Record too.

andrea-perego commented 4 years ago

@aidig said:

This comment applies to the class Catalog Record too.

Actually, it applies also to other class descriptions and properties.


bertvannuffelen commented 3 years ago


to align the definitions and usagenotes when a new textual (HTML) representation is being build.


Although the definitions and usagenotes are not perfectly aligned with those in W3C DCAT, they are not incorrect either. When building a new master specification (HTML) the distinction between definition/usage note and the reference to W3C DCAT can be included. Because this work is a major editorial effort.

bertvannuffelen commented 3 years ago

Connected with #150

init-dcat-ap-de commented 1 year ago

If I understand the proposal correctly, the upcoming (already findable) web version will have updated descriptions for many properties and classes.

Will you provide an overview/comparison? It will take time (and maybe many github issues) to find & discuss changes.

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

@init-dcat-ap-de, we provided the following change tracking:

W.r.t. the individual properties and class descriptions. In general, only the following editorial activities are applied:

Added where possible are reference to DCAT 3.0 so that readers can compare to DCAT 3.0 requirements/expectations versus the DCAT-AP ones.

The result of this editorial process is a strong alignment with the previous DCAT-AP version.