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adms:status in DCAT 3.0 #242

Open bertvannuffelen opened 1 year ago

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

DCAT 3.0 adopts adms:status as property for dcat:Resource​, while in DCAP-AP it has been adopted as property for Catalogue Record and Distribution.

Is there need to adopt adms:status beyond the existing cases?

init-dcat-ap-de commented 1 year ago

We don't see the need to add adms:status in other classes.

H-a-g-L commented 1 year ago

In JRC it is a recommended property for Datasets used with values from the dataset-status Named Authority List of the Publications Office

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

@ODP-hil thanks for the pointer, I think INSPIRE has a similar use using the codelist: (You have to look for ProgressCode in this file).

init-dcat-ap-de commented 1 year ago

The See Also section of adms:status is:

6.4.26 Property: current version, 6.4.25 Property: has version, 6.4.24 Property: previous version, 6.4.7 Property: release date, 6.4.27 Property: replaces, 6.4.28 Property: version, 6.4.29 Property: version notes.

so we should discuss the need in connection with This thwarts my former statement a little bit.

init-dcat-ap-de commented 11 months ago

Multiple issues with the current planned solution:

1) No NAL für adms:status in dcat:CatalogueRecord grafik

2) Not in dcat:Dataset, even though DCAT 3 recommends adms:status for life-cycle management See also #203

bertvannuffelen commented 5 months ago

We will not apply any changes in the new release. The issue 1 will be addressed together with the ADMS skos codelists transfer to the Publications Office.

The further expansion and listing of possible to be used properties we try to avoid, as the DCAT-AP specification is then growing too large.