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HVD C8. Indicate in reporting the MS responsability #258

Closed bertvannuffelen closed 6 months ago

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

Each MS has to perform the necessary actions to comply with the HVD regulation.

DCAT-AP describes rules for any catalogues (data portals), the full collection of a MS could be the result of aggregating multiple catalogues. DCAT-AP does not impose in any way to have a a single catalogue per jurisdiction, it is agnostic to that aspect.


option A - create a MS catalogue for all HVD datasets MS provide a separate DCAT-AP HVD catalogue containing only the metadata that is relevant in the context of the HVD. Note that in case the HVD rules on persistent identifiers this will never lead to duplicates in the aggregated The same data can be supplied via different ways. 

option B - add property to indicate HVD responsability

jakubklimek commented 1 year ago

I vote for B.

The way I see it, if every relevant catalogue implements B, creating A from that is trivial, if necessary, given that the APIs of the catalogues are known and standardized. However, this should be enforced by the individual jurisdictions responsible for the reporting. This is the case for Czechia with DCAT-AP-CZ and also Slovakia with their DCAT-AP-SK 2.0.

Maintaining a separate catalogue despite all HVDs also being open data, and therefore typically being required to be present in some open data catalogue, seems redundant.

Note that in case the HVD rules on persistent identifiers this will never lead to duplicates in the aggregated The same data can be supplied via different ways.

The persistent identifiers are not necessarily the only identifiers of the dataset. Those can include:

AFAIK there is currently no way of saying, which of the identifiers is the persistent one (unless we devise a way, e.g. using adms:Identifier). I am not even sure that we can say that the persistent identifier needs to be present in all the places a single HVD can be registered.

Therefore, I am not so sure about the duplicates. At the same time, I do not see the duplicates as a big issue - for me, it is better to have duplicates than to have nothing at all.

matthiaspalmer commented 1 year ago

I vote for B, I also second @jakubklimek point that a special HVD catalog can be generated by filtering on a property (or via more complex mechanisms like checking quality measurments for datasets according to dqv).

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

There is also the usecase that a HVD for a MS could be published by an supranational organisation e.g. Eurostat or OECD. How does a MS then include that dataset in the reporting?

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

Note that in case the HVD rules on persistent identifiers this will never lead to duplicates in the aggregated The same data can be supplied via different ways.

The persistent identifiers are not necessarily the only identifiers of the dataset. Those can include:

* IRI in a local catalog

* IRI in a national catalog

* IRI in

* identifier other than IRI assigned by the data publisher

* ...

AFAIK there is currently no way of saying, which of the identifiers is the persistent one (unless we devise a way, e.g. using adms:Identifier). I am not even sure that we can say that the persistent identifier needs to be present in all the places a single HVD can be registered.

The HVD states each dataset should be provided with a persistent link. As in proposed, we must assume that this is the case.

If we state that for exchanging metadata for datasets in the scope of the regulation the DCAT-AP metadata does not provide persistent links, the rules fail to implement the regulation.

The ability that there could be many persistent links for a dataset is really fine. But we have to make a clear statement about which one, one it offering to the EC in the reporting. In the end, that report must be made and in that report each dataset has a single identifier which must be persistent.

My proposal is that the following query

  Select ?hvd where { 
    ?hvd a dcat:Dataset.
    ?hvd r5r:hdvCategory ?cat.

is providing the list of datasets that are in the report.

For MS having a single MS portal I hope the result should be the same on the sparql endpoint of the MS portal as on (scoped to the MS).

In this proposed query I made the assumption that the URI of the dataset description is the persistent link of the dataset. That is the most DCAT-AP ecosystem strengthening proposal. (It is already implicit, but unfortunately not the practice, see our discussions on identifiers.).

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

Therefore, I am not so sure about the duplicates. At the same time, I do not see the duplicates as a big issue - for me, it is better to have duplicates than to have nothing at all.

The note on duplicates is that creating another catalogue is not introducing duplicates in the DCAT-AP network if there are PURIs used.

Consider 2 catalogues, that describe in detail each dataset, dataservice and distribution. a dcat:Catalog ;
   dcat:dataset a dcat:Dataset;
   dct:title "Buildings in Gov";

and a dcat:Catalog ;
   dcat:dataset a dcat:Dataset;
   dct:title "Business register of Gov" ;

then the next catalogue, that only contains references a dcat:Catalog;

can safely be harvested. RDF based harvesters should not create duplicates, as this is just an RDF merge operation. And I think this should be the case for any kind of harvester.

Thus the effort for a policy officer for the reporting could be maintaining a list of persistent URIs in a catalogue that is harvested by And then by querying the sparql endpoint of the assessment of the reporting can be done. (Thus instead of managing an Excel list, they manage a DCAT-AP catalogue).

jakubklimek commented 1 year ago


For MS having a single MS portal I hope the result should be the same on the sparql endpoint of the MS portal as on (scoped to the MS).

Well, I think this is where the problem is, connected to the various IRIs of a dataset. From a IRI management point of view, each server responsible for a IRI namespace should be in control of that namespace, i.e. assign IRIs to things that should be served under that namespace.

A more concrete DCAT example: a single dataset has the following IRIs:

So, the query

  Select ?hvd where { 
    ?hvd a dcat:Dataset.
    ?hvd r5r:hdvCategory ?cat.

(should it be r5r or m8g?) run on and will definitely yield different results. But I think this is OK, as it is in line with the abovementioned issue with control over a IRI namespace and with the current state of things.

But for us it means that we need to denote somehow the identifier that should be the one.

jakubklimek commented 1 year ago a dcat:Catalog;

can safely be harvested. RDF based harvesters should not create duplicates, as this is just an RDF merge operation. And I think this should be the case for any kind of harvester.

Sure, but this assumes option A - maintaining a separate catalog.

If we reuse existing catalogs in the catalog hierarchy, each mints their own IRIs for the harvested datasets and they copy (some of) the triples from the harvested catalog to enable IRI dereference on their own domain. This is why I think it may be more feasible to explicitly denote a single "persistent" link explicitly, which would survive the harvesting processes in the catalog hierarchy. And then it is up to the MS to decide who assigns and maintains this link - whether the original publisher, or the national data catalog provider, etc. And then, a catalog like just like the one in option A, can be generated from that, e.g. for the reporting purposes.

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

If we reuse existing catalogs in the catalog hierarchy, each mints their own IRIs for the harvested datasets and they copy (some of) the triples from the harvested catalog to enable IRI dereference on their own domain. This is why I think it may be more feasible to explicitly denote a single "persistent" link explicitly, which would survive the harvesting processes in the catalog hierarchy. And then it is up to the MS to decide who assigns and maintains this link - whether the original publisher, or the national data catalog provider, etc. And then, a catalog like just like the one in option A, can be generated from that, e.g. for the reporting purposes.

You are right this assumes that the harvester maintains the catalogue. It is not guaranteed that this information is transferred throughout the network.

But I think we are here at the fine level of MS-EC reporting. In each MS there is a single contactpoint to provide the reporting to the EC. (I ignore the exceptional case of multiple).
That contactpoint must provide a list to the EC with this is my MS state-of-affairs. And only that list is considered to be HVD for the MS.

Any other dataset that might be annotated as HVD and would show up in is defacto according to that list in violation with the MS view. As this list is a policy/political decision, the annotation is thus an activity that this contact point has with each individual dataset owner.

My objective is that the policy officers of a MS are doing activities that are in line with the metadata that is provided on the data portals. It is very easy to hand in a list with 20 HVD and at the same time have 100 HVD in a portal, or vice versa. Personally I would find that a failure of the efforts we do for improving the metadata descriptions.

In general, as a visitor of an open data portal, I am not so interested whether or not this dataset is a HVD. I am interested whether or not this data is maintained and has sufficient quality to build a trustworthy decision/system upon. For me the HVD should not lead to a race between MS for the most datasets between HVD (that number is actually meaningless).

So for me, this topic is about how a policy officer of a MS could take benefit from the metadata catalogue expressed in DCAT-AP to provide this list. In this way the reporting to the EC and the annotations to each individual dataset are in line. As scoping is a critical discussion for the reporting (so no running targets), the notion of a catalogue is exactly the notion you want to use. I believe that this is exactly the reason why the term catalogue exists.

bertvannuffelen commented 1 year ago

But for us it means that we need to denote somehow the identifier that should be the one.

if harvesters would implement the proposed identifier guidelines (see then this is easy to address.

To a certain level, HVD requires to implement these guidelines.

bertvannuffelen commented 9 months ago

The section Reporting documents the need for reporting. Concrete reporting requirements that MS must comply to (format and process) are beyond scope of the DCAT-AP HVD.