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HVD: Distribution: Linked schema #288

Closed bertvannuffelen closed 6 months ago

bertvannuffelen commented 10 months ago

(created on behalf of EU MS Hungary, received via e-mail)

In our understanding, the data field serves a similar purpose to that of the dct:conformsto. Is our interpretation correct?

bertvannuffelen commented 10 months ago

In the DCAT-AP, for the purpose to identity the data schema to which a Distribution is adhering to a property ‘linked schema’ mapped on dct:conformsTo has been introduced. (See This has been present since version 1.0 from DCAT-AP. The label change has the objective to restrict the possible values to references that describe the data in the distribution. Thus XSD, schematron, json-schema, SHACL, etc. are the intentional values. Typically something that can be used to validate the data integrity.

This property has been included in the annex for HVD because the HVD implementing regulation includes statements such as “the dataset must have these properties, or must satisfy the data vocabulary XYZ”. In order to support the HVD implementers we included this optional DCAT-AP property in the specification, so that their attention is drawn to this when they are considering implementing these statements.

As the implementation is HVD category/domain specific, not strict rules are imposed. This is a typical property in which each domain has to make a decision. Make good and strong agreements will ease possible conformance auditing.

bertvannuffelen commented 8 months ago

connected with #257