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Clarify properties in 7.8 Dataset member of a Dataset Series #298

Closed terjesyl closed 2 weeks ago

terjesyl commented 9 months ago

The definition of previous uses the term "Resources" implying that the property can be used with other Resources than Dataset. In addition the usage note only mentions Datasets.

Suggestion: rewrite definition of previous to "The previous dataset (before the current one) in an ordered collection or series of resources."

In addition the usage note is a bit confusing: "Unless the dataset is the last in the chain a dataset in a collection must have a previous one." Here last in chain = first in series. And only the last element in the chain is missing dcat:prev (going against the intuition that it is the first item in a linked list that has no previous link).

Suggestion: rewrite usage note to ""A dataset in a collection must have a previous one unless it is the first in the series""

bertvannuffelen commented 9 months ago

As a note: these definitions have been copied from DCAT 3.0.

matthiaspalmer commented 9 months ago

Be careful with the wording in the usage note, since not all dataset series are ordered (e.g. geographical or topical) there should be not be a hard requirement to express dcat:prev. See #277.

bertvannuffelen commented 5 months ago

During the webinars of 21 Nov 2023 and 16 jan 2024, the working group decided to include only the minimal aspects of a Dataset Series in DCAT-AP.

The ordening properties disappear as their precence may or may not exists, the ordening graph may or may not travers the full collection because a ( complete ) ordening is not withhold as a requirement for a Dataset Series Collection. In such vague cases it is better to leave the usage decision to the implementers rather that DCAT-AP makes a statement about it.