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Typos #303

Closed oystein-asnes closed 2 weeks ago

oystein-asnes commented 9 months ago
Chapter Paragraph Current Proposed change
7.7 "Ae entity" "An entity"
14 Second last “But the when considering dataset series, …” Remove “the” (“But when considering …”)
16.1 First “…, but the exhanged format SHOULD be unambiguously be transformable into RDF” “exhanged” --> “exchanged”
16.3 Second “…, or they are to general …” "to" --> "too"
16.3 Second “The case that a title cannot be an empty string and must have a value is a specific language …” "is" --> "in"
18 Examples 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 dcat:last example-ds:BeePopulation2022 "2022" --> "2023" (?)
18 First paragraph after example 12 "Diverging too far from this interpretion is not recommended." interpretion --> interpretation
tmsagarofficial commented 8 months ago

I would love to work on this under ur guidance. Pls assign this to me and let me know.

fabiankirstein commented 5 months ago

I would like to add this one from Chapter 7.8:


"Unless the dataset is the last in the chain a dataset in a collection must have a previous one. " Shouldn't it be "Unless the dataset is the first one in the chain a dataset in a collection must have a previous one."?