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Incomplete list of properties in 10.2 "Controlled vocabularies to be used" ? #304

Closed oystein-asnes closed 2 weeks ago

oystein-asnes commented 9 months ago

Are these properties intentionally excluded from chapter 10.2 "Controlled vocabularies to be used"

Property Comment/Question
dct:accrualPeriodicity Shouldn’t this also apply to the property dct:accrualPeriodicity in the classes “Dataset member of a Dataset Series”, “Dataset Series”?
dct:format Shouldn’t this also apply to the property dct:format in the class “Data Service”?
dct:publisher Shouldn’t this also apply to the property dct:publisher in the class “Data Series”?
dct:spatial Shouldn’t this also apply to the property dct:spatial in the class “Data Series”?
adms:status Shouldn’t this also apply to the property adms:status in the class “Catalogue Record”?
bertvannuffelen commented 5 months ago

Address for all except for adms:status in the context of Catalogue Record. The usage is is there different than adms:status in a Distribution. Therefore that has not been applied.