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Resolving ELIs in HVD Datasets #328

Open fabiankirstein opened 5 months ago

fabiankirstein commented 5 months ago

DCAT-AP High Value Datasets introduces the property dcatap:applicableLegislation, which should be populated with ELI URLs, such as

I am wondering what the best approach is to resolve an ELI URL to extract the metadata. A possible use case would be display metadata of the legislation in a web frontend, such as the description.

However, it seems that the ELI metadata is only available as microdata as described here: This means parsing means to include to download the HTML and process it with an RDFa parser. I did this with a browser plugin: example.txt

For me this seems very complicated. It would be better to just get the RDF maybe via content negotiation. Or do I overlook something here?

I am very much interested in opinions. Thanks!