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Dataset serie: properties first and last missing #339

Closed jimjyang closed 4 months ago

jimjyang commented 4 months ago

Properties dcat:first and dcat:last missing in the class Dataset Serie in 3.0.0-draft.

bertvannuffelen commented 4 months ago

@jimjyang since ordening in the Dataset Series collection was entirely optional, there is also no need for the first or the last in a Dataset Series.

As the lightweight inclusion of Dataset Series in DCAT-AP the use of ordered collections is entirely optional and as stated to be inline with W3C DCAT.

Therefore they have been removed from the specification as DCAT-AP does not impose any additional requirements.

jimjyang commented 4 months ago

@bertvannuffelen Perhaps this follow-up-question is a question about "profile guidelines" ...

For reasons like reader-friendliness and localization, we need to include properties that are "reuse as-is" in our national profile. When doing so, is our national application profile a profile of DCAT-AP or DCAT?

bertvannuffelen commented 4 months ago

Just applying 'reuse-as-is" from DCAT to a national profile is coherent and compatible with DCAT-AP. Even adding extra constraints on those properties in your national profile is conform DCAT-AP.

DCAT-AP states that if it does not make any additional statements, a profile of DCAT-AP should follow DCAT in the first place. If the need to be covered is beyond DCAT-AP and DCAT then can extend it in the way the profile finds the most appropriate to tackle the need.

To illustrate that DCAT(-AP) profiling is more than just "reuse-as-is" of properties, DCAT itself prescribes how in some area's properties from other vocabularies should be used: In this case the problem arises that the semantics for those suggested properties are very open and that specific usage a profile has to tackle is covered by a specific use of a these generic properties. For instance, the dct:hasPart in DCAT-AP for a Catalogue is a very specific use of the generic relationship. Other profiles like DCAT-US could have imposed a different use on the same property, making that property not transferable from one profile to another.

As such DCAT is not a namespace with terms which one can shop from, but a profile with profile building instructions. Because it is important that national profile builders are aware of these instructions, it is fair to forward the profile builders to the source, namely DCAT, when the DCAT-AP community comes to the conclusion that the profile instructions are the level of DCAT are the most appropriate ones,

To conclude : the conformance statements of DCAT-AP w.r.t. DCAT have as good side effect that if an implementation (or a subsubprofile) is designed that the principle of reuse-as-is is a guaranteed safe and coherent approach to complete the profile.

jimjyang commented 4 months ago

No actions needed, I close this issue.